01The driver card
For driver identification and data collection on his activities
02Business card
To collect, store and manage data related to driver activities
03Card controller
For the organization access to information of the Supervisory authority
04Map of the workshop
To access the tachograph installation, calibration, repair
Read more about cards personalization
Special condition card issuance personalization
It is obligatory to inform us about the presence of the interested person, wishing to issue a card, the existing card personalization previously issued. I want to pay particular attention to: in Russia there is a unified data system card manufacturers, preventing registration for one person 2 or more existing maps.
Services are provided by the company OOO "ORAPUB-INFORM" with the authority of a regional point of distribution maps provided by OOO "Rosavtodor", which is the card manufacturer for domestic and imported tachograph (www.rusautocard.com).
The provision of data services is made using modern technical equipment of the Swiss production and software product of the manufacturer cards.
The procedure for registration cards, current legal documents set of application documents